





  • 11.16|外媒头条阅读|布兰妮13年的监管解除,班农因藐视国会而遭到起诉

  • 10.31|外媒头条阅读|G20就税收问题达成一致,墨西哥发掘出了玛雅独木舟

  • 10.30|外媒头条阅读|拜登在气候峰会前抵达欧洲,英国就渔业威胁警告法国

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  • 立陶宛投票,以限制白俄罗斯的移民涌入
    BBC 07月13日头条新闻 #立陶宛搭建边境墙阻非法移民# Lithuania has voted in favour of strict new migration laws amid an influx of arrivals from Belarus. Politicians backed the controversial legislation on Tuesday, allowing the mass detention of migrants and limiting their right to appeal. It comes as hundreds of migrants have illegally crossed into Lithuania from Belarus in recent weeks. Lithuania accuses Belarus of flying in foreign migrants who then head to the border, a claim Belarus denies. 由于来自白俄罗斯的移民涌入,立陶宛投票赞成严格的新移民法。 立陶宛的政界人士周二支持了这项有争议的立法,该法案允许大规模拘留移民并限制他们的上诉权。 最近几周,数百名移民从白俄罗斯非法进入立陶宛。 立陶宛指责白俄罗斯接纳了外国移民,并允许这些移民前往白立边境,白俄罗斯否认了这一说法。
  • 南非暴乱的死亡人数上升
    BBC 07月13日头条新闻 #南非大规模骚乱已致70多人死亡# The death toll in South Africa has risen to 72, after violence engulfed parts of the country after the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma. This includes 10 people killed in a stampede during looting on Monday night at a shopping centre in Soweto. The BBC filmed a baby being thrown from a building in Durban that was on fire after ground-floor shops were looted. The military has now been deployed to help the police overstretched since the unrest began last week. 在南非前总统雅各布祖马入狱后,暴力活动席卷了南非部分地区。由此造成的死亡人数已上升至 72 人。 其中包括周一晚上在索韦托购物中心发生的一起踩踏事件,该事件造成 10 人死亡。 BBC 拍摄到了一名婴儿从德班的一座建筑物中被抛出的影像,该建筑物在一楼的商店遭到洗劫后着火。 自上周动乱开始以来,南非已部署军队以缓解警方的紧张和压力。
  • 四名伊朗人策划绑架美国、加拿大和英国人质
    BBC 07月13日头条新闻 #伊朗# Four Iranian nationals have been charged with plotting to kidnap a New York-based journalist, the US Department of Justice says. The indictment did not name the target, but Masih Alinejad, an Iranian-born author, says it was her. The conspirators, described as intelligence officials, also allegedly plotted to lure a person in the UK and three others in Canada to Iran. All of the targets had been critical of Iran, says the Manhattan indictment. 美国司法部称,四名伊朗国民被指控策划绑架一名驻纽约记者。 起诉书没有指明谁是被绑架的目标,但伊朗出生的作家马西赫·阿利内贾德 (Masih Alinejad) 说她是这些人的目标。 据称,这些被描述为情报官员的绑架策划者还密谋将一名英国人和另外三名加拿大人引诱到伊朗。 曼哈顿方面的起诉书称,所有计划中的“目标”都对伊朗持批评态度。
  • 古巴一名男子在反政府抗议活动中被杀
    BBC 07月13日头条新闻 #拜登与古巴人民站在一起# Cuban authorities have confirmed that a man was killed during unrest in the country - the first confirmation of a death since the protests broke out. State media say Diubis Laurencio Tejeda, 36, died in a suburb of the capital Havana on Monday. According to officials, he was part of a group that attacked a government facility. But witnesses say security forces targeted members of the group. The rare nationwide anti-government protests began on Sunday. 古巴当局证实,一名男子在古巴动乱中被杀,这是自抗议活动爆发以来首次确认人员死亡。 官方媒体称,36 岁的迪乌比斯·劳伦西奥·特赫达 (Diubis Laurencio Tejeda) 周一在首都哈瓦那郊区去世。 官方声称,他是袭击政府设施的团体的一员。但目击者称,安全部队是以该组织的成员为进攻目标的。 在古巴,罕见的全国性反政府抗议活动于本周日开始。
  • 外媒头条阅读|伊拉克隔离医院发生火灾,南非发生暴乱
  • 外媒头条|古巴和南非的暴乱持续不断,立陶宛限制白俄罗斯移民
  • 欧洲杯决赛后意大利主教练表示,“这是我应得的!”
    BBC 07月13日头条新闻 #意大利夺得欧洲杯冠军# Italy manager Roberto Mancini said "I was due this" after his side beat England on penalties to win Euro 2020. Mancini failed to win a major trophy as a player with the Azzurri, finishing third at Italia 90 and runner-up at the Under-21 European Championship in 1986. "I was very fortunate to play in a great side in 1990 and a terrific under-21 team," he said. "Despite the fact we were the best team, we didn't win it and lost both times on penalties." 意大利队主教练罗伯托·曼奇尼在意大利队赢得 点球大赛,击败英国,获得2020 年欧洲杯冠军后说“这是我应得的”。 曼奇尼作为蓝衣军团的球员未能赢得重要奖杯,在90的意大利甲级联赛中获得第三名,并在 1986 年的 欧洲锦标赛中获得亚军。 他说:“我很幸运能在 1990 年效力于一支伟大的球队和一支出色的队员年龄21岁以下的球队,” “尽管我们是最好的球队,但我们没有赢得比赛,而且两次都在点球大战中失利。”
  • 太空旅行成功后,维珍银河或出售五亿美金的股份
    BBC 07月13日头条新闻 #维珍银河# Virgin Galactic has said it may sell up to $500m of shares after completing a successful space trip on Sunday. In a filing, the company says it plans to use cash raised to develop its spaceship fleet and infrastructure. On Sunday, Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Galactic's billionaire founder, reached the edge of space on one of the planes it has been developing for 17 years. He called the trip the "experience of a lifetime" after returning to Earth just over an hour after leaving the ground. 维珍银河表示,在周日成功完成太空旅行后,它可能会出售高达 5 亿美元的股票。 该公司在一份文件中表示,它计划利用此次售股筹集的现金来发展其宇宙飞船舰队和基础设施。 本周日,维珍银河的创始人,亿万富翁理查德布兰森爵士乘坐了其开发了 17 年的飞机之一到达了太空边缘。 在经历了一个多小时的飞行,返回地球后,他将这次旅行称为“一生的经历”。
  • 南非出动军队以平息骚乱
    BBC 07月13日头条新闻 #南非骚乱已72死逾千人被捕# South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has called for people to "stand against violence" in response to deadly unrest triggered by the jailing of former President Jacob Zuma. At least six people have been killed and nearly 500 arrested since Zuma handed himself in to police last week. Shops have been looted and buildings set on fire. Troops have been deployed in Gauteng province, and in Zuma's home province of KwaZulu-Natal. 南非总统西里尔·拉马福萨 (Cyril Ramaphosa) 呼吁人们“反对暴力”,以应对前总统雅各布·祖马 (Jacob Zuma) 入狱引发的致命骚乱。 自上周祖马向警方自首以来,至少有 6 人被杀,近 500 人被捕。 商店被洗劫一空,建筑物被纵火焚烧。 目前部队已经进驻豪登省和祖马的家乡夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省。
  • 伊拉克新冠隔离医院发生火灾,多人在火灾中丧生
    BBC 07月13日头条新闻 #伊拉克一新冠定点医院发生火灾# More than 40 people have died after a fire broke out in a coronavirus isolation ward at a hospital in Iraq. The blaze at the Al-Hussein hospital in the southern city of Nasiriya was brought under control late on Monday. The cause is unclear, but initial reports suggest it began after an oxygen tank exploded. Reporters described charred bodies being carried out of the building. Rescuers are still searching for survivors. 伊拉克一家医院的新冠隔离病房发生火灾,造成 40 多人死亡。 周一晚些时候,南部城市纳西里亚的侯赛因医院的大火得到控制。 起火原因尚不清楚,但初步报告表明火灾是在氧气罐爆炸后开始的。 记者描述有烧焦的尸体被抬出大楼。救援人员仍在寻找幸存者。
  • 理查德.布兰森爵士表示,太空飞机将“独一无二”
    BBC 07月11日头条新闻 #维珍银河布兰森试飞太空# UK businessman Sir Richard Branson is about to realise a lifetime's ambition by flying to the edge of space. He'll ride his Virgin Galactic rocket plane on Sunday to an altitude where the sky turns black and the Earth's horizon curves away into the distance. The entrepreneur says he wants to evaluate the experience before allowing paying customers aboard next year. The vehicle will set off for the 1.5-hour mission above New Mexico at about 07:00 local US time (14:00 BST). 英国商人理查德.布兰森爵士即将通过飞向太空边缘来实现他一生的抱负。 周日,他将乘坐他的维珍银河火箭飞机到达能够观测到天空变黑、地球地平线向远处弯曲的高度。 这位企业家说,他想在明年允许付费客户登机之前评估一下体验。 该飞机将在美国当地时间 07:00 左右(英国夏令时 14:00)出发前往新墨西哥上空执行 1.5 小时的任务。
  • 阿根廷在决赛中击败巴西
    梅西赢得了他的第一个美洲杯冠军 BBC 07月11日头条新闻 图片 Lionel Messi ended his wait for a first major international title as Argentina beat Brazil in the Copa America final in Rio's Maracana stadium. Messi, 34, dropped to the ground in joy at the full-time whistle and was swiftly mobbed by his team-mates, before being hurled in the air in celebration, as he finally claimed top-level honours with his country in his 10th major tournament. He also helped end Argentina's 28-year spell since they last won the competition and was named player of the tournament after his four goals in the competition. Angel di Maria proved the matchwinner with his superb lob, after taking down Rodrigo de Paul's lofted pass. 阿根廷在里约马拉卡纳体育场的美洲杯决赛中击败巴西,莱昂内尔·梅西获得了他的第一个美洲杯冠军头衔。 34 岁的梅西在全场哨声响起时欣喜若狂地倒在地上,并迅速被队友围住,然后被扔到空中庆祝,因为他终于在他的第 10 个大满贯赛事中获得了国家最高级别的荣誉。 他还帮助阿根廷结束了长达 28 年未获胜的魔咒,并在比赛中打入四个进球后被评为锦标赛最佳球员。 安吉尔·迪马利亚在接住罗德里戈·德保罗的高位传球后,用他精湛的吊球赢得了这场比赛。
  • 阿比.艾哈迈德以压倒性多数赢得埃塞俄比亚选举
    BBC 07月11日头条新闻 #埃塞俄比亚# Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has won the country's delayed elections with an overwhelming majority, the election board said on Saturday. The board said Mr Abiy's Prosperity Party won 410 out of 436 seats, giving him another five-year term in office. However, a fifth of the country failed to carry out voting overall due to insecurity and logistical problems. Polls were not held in the war-torn Tigray region, where many thousands are living in famine conditions. 选举委员会周六表示,埃塞俄比亚总理阿比·艾哈迈德以压倒性多数赢得了推迟的总理选举。 选举委员会表示,阿比先生的繁荣党赢得了 436 个席位中的 410 个,使他的任期又延长了五年。 然而,由于不安全和物流滞后等问题,该国五分之一的人口未能进行投票。 饱受战争蹂躏的提格雷地区没有进行民意调查,那里有数千人生活在饥荒中。
  • 英国女王和首相希望,英国在2020欧洲杯冠军赛中获胜
    BBC 07月11日头条新闻 #欧洲杯总决赛# The Queen and Boris Johnson have led messages of support to the England team ahead of the Euro 2020 final. The monarch recalled presenting the World Cup trophy to Bobby Moore in 1966 as she praised the current team's "spirit, commitment and pride with which you have conducted yourselves". And in a letter to the squad, the prime minister said they had "lifted the spirits of the whole country". The Duke of Cambridge said he "can't really believe this is happening". 在 2020 年欧洲杯决赛前夕,英国女王和首相鲍里斯·约翰逊 (Boris Johnson) 已经向英格兰队发出了支持的消息。 在女王回忆起 1966 年向鲍比·摩尔(Bobby Moore)颁发世界杯奖杯时,她称赞了现在英国队“表现出的精神、承诺和自豪感”。 在给英国队的一封信中,首相说他们“振奋了整个国家的精神”。 剑桥公爵说他“不敢相信这会发生”。