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The regulations cover general principles for preserving, managing, using, borrowing and returning the lunar samples, as well as information release and research results management of the samples.办法包含了月球样品保存、管理和使用的总体原则、信息发布、借用与分发、使用与返还、成果管理等方面内容。

The lunar samples will be divided into four categories-permanent storage, backup permanent storage, research, and public-interest purposes, according to the regulations.



这里的backup指a copy of something that is stored separately from the original one,即“(与原始样本分开存储的)备份”,比如,Before we leave work each day, we make a backup of all the records we have entered into the computer that day.(每天下班前,我们都要把当天录入电脑的记录全部做备份);另外,backup还可以指“备用的人或物”,比如:The party is going to be outdoors, so we'll need to organize somewhere as a backup in case it rains.(派对安排在户外,所以我们需要另外找一个备用场地,以防中途下雨)。看美剧的时候,我们经常会听到人说“call for backup”,在这里,backup表示“后续的支援力量”。

按照基础用途:永久存储和备份永久存储样品作为原始样品进行封存(sealed and stored as original samples);研究样品用于月球科学研究、分析(scientific research and analysis);公益样品用于展览(public exhibition)、科普、教育(science education)等公益性活动。


The samples' managing and using will be done in accordance with international treaties that China has signed or taken part in. Meanwhile, China National Space Administration encourages researchers at home and abroad to use the samples in joint studies on space science and to share their findings with each other.月球样品的管理和使用遵守中华人民共和国缔结和参加的相关国际公约。国家航天局鼓励开展基于月球样品的空间科学国际联合研究工作,促进成果的国际共享。


探月工程 lunar exploration program

月球背面 the far side of the Moon

太阳辐射 solar radiation

重型运载火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
