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let us say 比如说

let us say 假如说;假设;比如说

used when making a suggestion or giving an example

let us say 的真实意思并不是让我们说,而要译为比方说,这个表达也可以直接简写为 say.

let us say 是老外常用的插入语,别人和你说 let us say,就是想举个例子。

看完下面这两个句子,大家肯定能明白 let us say 的具体用法。


I'd advise you to take an useful elective course, let us say, swimming.


Well, let us say that you go to the bus station on foot, you will miss the last bus tonight.


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例如不只是 for example

let us say 还有哪些近义词呢?下面这些大家要记牢哦。

  • for example 例如
  • for instance 例如
  • such as 例如;比如

说起举例子,for example 可能是大家用得最多的英文表达,其实 for instance 也是同样的意思, instance 和 example 的含义都是例子。

  • suppose that 例如
  • imagine that 举个例子
  • to illustrate [ˈɪləstreɪt] 举个例子


suppose 和 imagine 都有设想的意思,所以举个例子也能说成 suppose that 和 imagine that.

illustrate 有举例说明的意思,所以举子例子还能说 to illustrate.


You can slim down by many methods,for instance, going for a jog.


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having said that ≠已经说了

having said that 话虽如此;尽管如此

having said that 是一个表示转折的短语,意思就是话虽如此尽管如此,意思相近的英文词汇有 even though 和 however.


He sometimes complains that the boss is ruthless, having said that, he always finishes tasks on time.


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says who ≠ 说谁呢

Says who (我不信我不同意)谁说的?

used when you are arguing with someone,

to show that you do not accept or agree with what they say

says who 在口语中很常用,多被用来反驳别人。老外说 says who,不是真想知道这话是谁说的,弦外之音其实是这是谁说的,我才不同意呢。

Who can say 谁能知道呢?谁说得准呢?

who can say 的意思不是谁能说出口,而是谁能说得准呢。


Says who?It is really nonsense to say that they are getting divorced.
