“跃跃欲试”,汉语成语,意思是形容心里急切地想试试,可以翻译为“itch to have a try;be eager to have a try”。与英文俚语“as keen as mustard”意思相近,表示“very enthusiastic and excited (about or to do something)”。

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Photo by Roberto Nickson from Pexels


hěn duō bì yè shēng zài tà rù zhè yī háng shí dōu yuè yuè yù shì,dàn shì tā men hěn kuài jiù qù le gōng zuò dòng lì


Many graduates enter the industry as keen as mustard but soon lose enthusiasm to work.

tā zài yě zuò bù zhù le, xīn lǐ yuè yuè yù shì

他再也坐不住了, 心里跃跃欲试。

He could hardly sit still and itched to have a go.

Editor: Jade
