1.?? 我很喜欢你,你也要多点一样喜欢我,不要小气,拉勾。

I like you very much, you have to like me more, don't be stingy, pull the hook.

2.?? 往后余生,暴瘦是我,有钱也是我。

For the rest of my life, I am thin, and I am rich.

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3.?? 我有很温柔的一面,也有很凶的一千七百二十一面。

I have a very gentle side, and a very fierce one thousand seven hundred and twenty one.

4.?? 我才不会为你九天揽月呢,月亮没我可爱。

I won't hold the moon for you for nine days, the moon is not as cute as me.

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5.?? 别人的十六岁少女心上住着少年,而我的十六岁少女心里只有魔法。

Others' 16-year-old girl has a boy in her heart, but my 16-year-old girl has only magic in her heart.

6.?? 以公主之名,判你爱我无期徒刑。

In the name of the princess, sentenced you to love me to life imprisonment.

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7.?? 你是个好男孩,可是我太漂亮了,你配不上。

You are a good boy, but I'm so beautiful, you don't deserve it.

8.?? 喜欢是甘愿,是互相迁就,是一口一口吃掉你。

To like is to be willing, to accommodate each other, to eat you bit by bit.

9.?? 想住进哥哥的鱼塘,冲破哥哥的心房。

I want to live in my brother's fish pond and break through my brother's heart.

10.? 你一笑我就垮掉,心扑通扑通乱跳。

When you laugh, I collapse, and my heart thumps.