全世界有超过20亿人缺乏微量营养素,并存在区域性的特定缺陷。用微量营养素强化食品已成为提高公众健康的行业标准。双壳贝类(例如,牡蛎、蛤蜊和贻贝)是地球上最可持续的动物蛋白来源,市场正在迅速增长,自1980年以来,中国的产量增长了1000倍,达到人均每年36 公斤的消费水平。双壳类动物的独特之处在于,它们在生命末期所消耗的微量营养素会被人类消化,因为人类能消化包括肠道在内的整个生物体。

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剑桥大学动物学系的David F. Willer*、David C. Aldridge开发了一种新型微胶囊载体,为双壳贝类提供微量营养素,并针对最佳尺寸、形状、浮力和适口性进行了量身定制,证明强化双壳贝类在解决人类营养缺乏方面的潜力。以3%的初始剂量喂食维生素A和D微胶囊仅8 小时,牡蛎组织内的维生素含量即有所提高。一份两个这样的双壳贝类就能提供足够的维生素A和D以满足人类每日推荐摄入量(Recommended Daily Allowances,RDAs)。这项技术的推广及其在其他双壳贝类动物(包括蛤蜊和贻贝)中的应用可能会提供一种低成本、高度可持续的机制,有助于解决全球营养缺乏问题。


Vitamin Bullets. Microencapsulated Feeds to Fortify Shellfish and Tackle Human Nutrient Deficiencies

David F. Willer*, David C. Aldridge

Over two billion people worldwide are micronutrient deficient, with regionally specific deficiencies. Fortification of food with micronutrients has become an industry standard for enhancing public health. Bivalve shellfish (e.g., oysters, clams, and mussels) provide the most sustainable source of animal protein on the planet, and the market is rapidly growing—with production in China increasing 1,000-fold since 1980 to an annual 36 kg capita1 consumption level. Bivalves are also unique in that micronutrients consumed at their end-life stage will be digested by humans, as humans consume the entire organism including the gut. We have developed a novel microencapsulated vehicle for delivering micronutrients to bivalves, tailored for optimal size, shape, buoyancy, and palatability, demonstrating the potential of fortified bivalves to tackle human nutrient deficiencies. Oysters fed vitamin A and D microcapsules at a 3% initial dosage for just 8 h had elevated tissue vitamin content. A serving of just two such bivalves provides enough vitamin A and D to meet human dietary RDAs. Scale-up of this technology and application to other bivalve species including clams and mussels could provide a low-cost and highly sustainable mechanism to contribute toward tackling nutrient deficiencies globally.

该文章《Vitamin Bullets. Microencapsulated Feeds to Fortify Shellfish and Tackle Human Nutrient Deficiencies》于《Frontiers in Nutrition》2020年7月出版。

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