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Dr. Lu’s Lab is seeking motivated, hardworking Candidate(s) with a background in immunology and/or cancer biology to take projects focused on understanding the role of the tumor microenvironment on CAR T cell therapy resistance.

Candidates with a background in bioinformatics are also preferred if they are willing to assess responses in cancer immunotherapy utilizing bioinformatics tools.

Please submit your application with the following information: a cover letter, statement of research interest, and CV with contact details for 3 references to: Yong Lu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor; Dept of Microbiology and Immunology; Wake Forest School of Medicine; yolu@wakehealth.edu

Dr. Lu’s Lab is a basic/translational research lab in the Wake Forest School of Medicine with an interest in cancer adoptive T cell immunotherapy.

Dr. Lu is one of the six NCI’s advisors to advise the NCI on future directions of Adoptive Cell Immunotherapy. The lab is now funded with R01, R00, ACS research scholar grant, pharmaceutical company-sponsored research, and many other grants from cancer foundations and intramural pilot research supports.

Dr. Lu’s lab utilizes state-of-the-art flow cytometry, CyTOF, single-cell RNA sequencing, bioinformatics, organoids and tumor models to investigate mechanisms of resistance to chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell adoptive therapy. Recent representative lab publications: Nature Comm 2019 (PMID: 30914642); Cancer Cell 2018 (PMID: 29894691); Nature Comm 2016 (PMID: 27492902); Nature Comm 2014 (PMID: 24957461); PNAS 2014 (PMID: 24469818); JCI 2012 (PMID: 23064366).


Recent PhD、MD PhD or a visiting scholar graduate in cancer, immunology, bioinformatics or related discipline.

Experience with molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology, cancer immunology, and cell culture (not required for the candidate in bioinformatics background).

Preferred familiarity with in vivo syngeneic mouse tumor models.

Independent, highly self-motivated and innovative.

Proven track record in the field of immunology/tumor immunology and/or oncology, with relevant publications.

Willing to seek out grant funding from external sources in support of their independent research and may participate in writing grant proposals.

Outstanding interpersonal skills, strong work ethic and organizational skills.

Ability to excel in a goal-oriented, multifaceted and fast-moving team environment.


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该校在中国内地地区相对美国其他前30名校知名度较小,原因主要在于该校对招收国际学生相当严格,申请该校,学生需要递交5篇左右的命题作文 ,所以维克森林也是全美前30名校中国际学生人数最少的学校 。

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