U.S. begins rolling out COVID vaccines for young children


The COVID-19 vaccines for children began shipping last Friday


The United States has begun distributing COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as six months around the country, and availability of the shots will improve in the coming days, according to White House COVID-19 response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha.

白宫新冠肺炎应对协调员Ashish Jha博士说,美国已经开始在全国范围内为6个月大的儿童分发新冠肺炎疫苗,疫苗的供应将在未来几天得到改善。

U.S. regulators authorized Moderna Inc's (MRNA.O) two-dose vaccine for children aged six months to five years and the Pfizer (PFE.N)-BioNTech three-shot regimen for children aged six months to four years late last week.


It is unclear how many parents will vaccinate their youngest children.


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Pharmacist Kaitlin Harring, left, administers a Moderna COVID-19 vaccination to three year-old Fletcher Pack, while he sits on the lap of his mother, McKenzie Pack, at Walgreens pharmacy Monday, June 20, 2022, in Lexington, S.C. ((AP Photo/Sean Rayford / AP Newsroom)

2022年6月20日,星期一,在南卡罗来纳州列克星敦的沃尔格林药店,药剂师Kaitlin Harring(左)为坐在母亲McKenzie Pack腿上的三岁Fletcher Pack接种莫德纳新冠肺炎疫苗。 ((AP Photo/Sean Rayford / AP Newsroom)

Just one-in-five parents with children under age five said they intended to vaccinate them "right away" after they become eligible, a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation published in May showed. Only about 29% of children aged five to 11 have been fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine since it was authorized in October, according to U.S. data.

凯撒家族基金(Kaiser Family Foundation)5月份公布的一项调查显示,只有五分之一有五岁以下孩子的父母表示,他们打算在孩子获得资格后“立即”为他们接种疫苗。根据美国的数据,自10月份辉瑞-BioNTech疫苗获得批准以来,只有约29%的5至11岁儿童完全接种了该疫苗。

Chinmay Hegde, father of a 14-month old daughter, told Reuters outside Children's National Hospital in Washington that the U.S. authorization was a huge relief. His daughter was the first to be vaccinated at the hospital on Tuesday.

Chinmay Hegde是一个14个月大女儿的父亲,他在华盛顿国家儿童医院外告诉路透社,美国的授权是一个巨大的解脱。他的女儿是周二第一个在医院接种疫苗的人。

"I feel like we can just now go travel and do our trips without feeling as much stress," he said, mentioning a planned family reunion in Canada in July.


Children who begin their vaccinations with the Pfizer shot this week could receive their third dose the week of Sept. 12 or later. Those who receive a first Moderna shot this week could complete their inoculation as soon as July 19.


Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist and editor-at-large for Public Health at Kaiser Health News, said parents will need to consider a trade-off between the number of shots and risk of side effects.

凯撒健康新闻(Kaiser Health News)的传染病专家兼公共卫生总编辑Celine Gounder博士说,父母需要考虑注射次数和副作用风险之间的权衡。

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A pharmacist holds a vial of the Moderna coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine in West Haven, Connecticut, U.S., February 17, 2021. (REUTERS/Mike Segar/File Photo / Reuters)

2021年2月17日,美国康涅狄格州西海文,一名药剂师拿着一小瓶莫德纳新冠肺炎疫苗。 (REUTERS/Mike Segar/File Photo / Reuters)

Moderna's vaccine uses a larger dose and has a higher likelihood of inducing fever than Pfizer's.


"These are not dangerous side effects and they are manageable with medications like acetaminophen," said Gounder, a former member of President Joe Biden's COVID transition team.


But some parents may feel like "'well, even if it's a three-dose vaccine, it will minimize the risk of fever,'" she said.


Jha said on Twitter on Monday that the rollout for younger children differed from those for other age groups in that there were no mass vaccination sites, but there would be more inoculations done in doctors' offices.


"Parents are clear they want to vaccinate their littlest ones in familiar settings - doctors offices, pharmacies, health clinics, and children's hospitals," he tweeted.


The vaccines began shipping on Friday and Saturday, Jha said, adding that more doctors' offices and hospitals would begin receiving them on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.


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Three year-old Fletcher Pack holds a lollipop after receiving the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination at Walgreens pharmacy Monday, June 20, 2022, in Lexington, S.C. ((AP Photo/Sean Rayford / AP Newsroom)

2022年6月20日,星期一,在南卡罗来纳州列克星敦的沃尔格林药店,三岁的Fletcher Pack在接种莫德纳新冠肺炎疫苗后拿着棒棒糖 ((AP Photo/Sean Rayford / AP Newsroom)

Not all pharmacies will offer the shots to everyone in this age group. CVS Health Corp (CVS.N) will offer shots for children aged 18 months and up, while Walmart Inc (WMT.N) and Rite Aid Corp (RAD.N) will offer them to those aged 3 and older.

并不是所有的药店都会向这个年龄组的每个人提供疫苗。CVS健康公司(CVS.N)将为18个月及以上的儿童提供疫苗,而沃尔玛公司(WMT.N)和Rite Aid公司(RAD.N)将为3岁及以上的儿童提供疫苗。